Stop Complaining and Start Cutting: Why Dropping Shitty People Is the Key to a Better Life

Ever had a “friend” call you for an hour-long rant about their chaotic life, only to hang up and realize you’re so emotionally drained you can’t even think straight? Or maybe it’s that family member who takes every chance to tear you down, calling it “just being honest”—as if their honesty is doing you any favors.

Let me ask you something: Are you stuck? Frustrated? Feeling like no matter how hard you try, life keeps kicking you in the teeth?

I’ve got news for you. It’s not “bad luck.” It’s not the universe “testing you.” And no, it’s not because you’re not working hard enough.

The real reason your life feels like a constant uphill battle?

You’re keeping shitty people around.

Yeah, I said it. Shitty people. The energy vampires. The fake friends. The dramatic family members. The “nice” people who smile to your face but quietly hold you back. These people are anchors tied around your ankles, dragging you into the muck while you wonder why you’re not moving forward.

It’s time to face a hard truth: keeping these people in your life is self-sabotage, and if you’re not ready to cut them off, you’re not ready to win.

Who Are the “Shitty People” and How Do You Spot Them?

Before we go any further, let’s get one thing straight: “shitty people” isn’t just some vague insult. It’s a label for people who actively make your life harder, whether they mean to or not.

1. The Constant Complainers

These people always have a problem, a sob story, or a reason why life sucks. Nothing is ever their fault. They’re victims of the world, and they want to drag you into their misery.

  • “Work sucks.”

  • “Nothing good ever happens to me.”

  • “Why do you even bother trying?”

Reality Check: If you spend enough time with people who complain, you’ll start doing it too. Negativity is contagious, and it’ll eat away at your mindset like a disease.

2. The Dream Killers

You know these people. The ones who act like they’re giving “advice” but are really just projecting their own failures onto you.

  • “You want to start a business? That’s risky—don’t quit your day job.”

  • “You’re never going to make it as an artist. Be realistic.”

  • “That’s a stupid idea. You’re wasting your time.”

Reality Check: If you keep listening to people who don’t believe in you, you’ll stop believing in yourself.

3. The Drama Addicts

Everything is a crisis. Every little issue is blown up into World War III. These people thrive on chaos and want to drag you into it.

  • They gossip, stir shit up, and live for the drama.

  • They call you at 2 AM because their relationship “fell apart again.”

  • They need constant validation and emotional hand-holding.

Reality Check: Other people’s chaos will become your chaos if you let it. You’re not a therapist. You’re not their fixer.

4. The Energy Vampires

You ever spend an hour with someone and walk away feeling exhausted? Like they just sucked the life out of you? That’s an energy vampire.

  • They’re always negative.

  • They unload all their problems on you but never ask how you’re doing.

  • They offer nothing—no support, no positivity, no solutions.

Reality Check: If you let someone drain your energy, they’re stealing your most valuable resource—your time and focus.

5. The “But They’re Family” Argument

This one’s tough. But it’s important. Just because someone is “family” doesn’t mean they get a free pass to treat you like garbage.

  • Toxic parents who belittle you.

  • Siblings who tear you down instead of lifting you up.

  • Relatives who make every family gathering a miserable nightmare.

Reality Check: Blood doesn’t excuse toxicity. Family doesn’t mean you owe someone unlimited access to your life.

Why Keeping Shitty People Around Is Self-Sabotage

You’ve heard the phrase “You are the sum of the five people you spend the most time with,” right? It’s not just a cute quote—it’s the damn truth.

Keeping toxic people in your life holds you back in every way that matters:

  1. They Kill Your Confidence
    When you’re surrounded by people who don’t believe in you—or worse, root for your failure—it’s almost impossible to build yourself up.

  2. They Waste Your Energy
    Every minute you spend dealing with drama, negativity, or nonsense is time you could’ve spent working on your goals, building your skills, or finding peace.

  3. They Keep You Stuck
    Shitty people don’t want you to grow because it makes them uncomfortable. If you start leveling up, you’ll remind them of what they’re NOT doing—and they’d rather hold you back than cheer you on.

  4. They Poison Your Mindset
    Negativity, complaining, gossip—it all sinks in. You may not notice it at first, but after a while, you’ll start thinking and acting like them.

Cutting Them Off: How to Clean Up Your Circle

Here’s where the rubber meets the road. If you’re serious about leveling up your life, you need to make a brutal audit of the people around you.

  1. Identify the Problem
    Make a list. Write down the names of the people who drain you, stress you out, or hold you back. Be honest with yourself.

  2. Set Boundaries
    Not ready to completely cut them out? Start with boundaries:

  • Limit your time with them.

  • Stop letting them unload their problems on you.

  • Say “no” to their drama.

  1. Cut Them Off (Yes, Even Family)
    If someone is toxic beyond repair, you owe it to yourself to walk away.

  • Block their number.

  • Stop responding to their negativity.

  • Stop feeling guilty for putting yourself first.

  1. Find Better People
    Start surrounding yourself with people who:

  • Push you to grow.

  • Inspire you to be better.

  • Celebrate your wins.

  • Support you without drama.

But Isn’t That Selfish?

Some of you are already thinking, “But isn’t it selfish to cut people off?” Let me flip that for you:

Isn’t it selfish of THEM to expect you to carry their negativity, excuses, and baggage?

You get one life. One shot. You don’t owe it to anyone to let them ruin it.

The Bottom Line: Love Yourself First

Here’s the brutal truth: Keeping shitty people in your life is a choice. And every day you choose to keep them around, you’re choosing their negativity over your peace.

If you want to grow, succeed, and live a life you’re proud of, you need to clean up your circle. You need to love yourself enough to walk away from anyone who doesn’t add value to your life.

My Own Wake-Up Call

I had a “friend” once who always “needed” me. Calls at midnight. Problems I didn’t cause but somehow had to fix. After every interaction, I felt drained, resentful, and exhausted. Finally, I cut them off. I remember sitting in that silence for the first time and realizing: I wasn’t losing a friend—I was gaining my peace.

You can’t put a price on that.

So ask yourself:

  • Who are the anchors in your life?

  • Who do you need to cut off to finally move forward?

Stop making excuses. Stop waiting for them to change. Stop sabotaging yourself.

Your peace is worth it. Your future is worth it. YOU are worth it.

Now tell me: Who are you cutting off first? Drop it in the comments, or just write “I’m worth it” if you’re ready to clean up your damn circle. Let’s f-ing go.

Stay gold, Ponyboy


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